Strong Bodies Winter session
For both Men & Women
Call now to register 715-536-4226
$32 suggested contribution
( 8 weeks/16 sessions)
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10:30am- 11:30am or 4:30pm- 5:30pm
January 7th - February 27th
You may participate in either of the classes at anytime throughout the 8 weeks.
The MEC has weights for use or you can bring your own. You will need a towel, a water bottle, and to dress
comfortably with appropriate workout shoes.
The StrongBodies is a national evidence-based strength training program developed at Tufts University and is aimed at mid-life and older women and men. The benefits of strength training have been studied extensively and
include increased muscle mass, strength, and improved bone density as well as more benefits physically and
emotionally. These exercises are safe and effective for all ages, including those who are not in perfect health.
The StrongBodies program includes progressive resistance training, balance training, and flexibility exercises.
Date and Time
Thursday Feb 13, 2025
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM CST
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10:30am- 11:30am or 4:30pm- 5:30pm
January 7th - February 27th
Merrill Enrichment Center
303 N Sales Street
$32 suggested contribution
( 8 weeks/16 sessions)